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贾志强 《法学研究》2022,44(1):120-134
目前我国刑事值班律师制度规范背后折射出有权机关抑制辩方权利的倾向。根据法律规范意旨,只要被追诉人没有辩护人,国家就应“强制指派”值班律师介入案件。将“约见”解读为国家指派值班律师需以被追诉人申请为前提,这混淆了律师会见与介入案件的关系,且将国家责任转嫁给个人,弱化了对被追诉人获得最低限度法律援助权利的保障。相关规范性文件将值班律师阅卷权能限定为“查阅”,但基于法律援助法第37条的文义、控辩平等之程序公正底线要求等因素,值班律师阅卷权能还应包括“摘抄”“复制”。《法律援助值班律师工作办法》第10条第2款规定,值班律师有量刑异议时,只要其认可犯罪嫌疑人认罪认罚的自愿性,就应在具结书上签字。这是对值班律师功能“见证化”的公开宣示,与2018年刑事诉讼法第201条的意旨以及值班律师实质性参与量刑协商的改革要求相矛盾。值班律师应被赋予拒绝签字的权利。“实质性参与”应是目前完善值班律师制度的基本方向。  相似文献   
我国刑事错案追究制度自实行以来,其运用的合理性以及有效性一直饱受争议。从侦查机关的视角考察,错案追责情况主要存在纠正程序不具体、追责程序透明度不高等相关问题。结合我国实际情况考虑,从内部制度与外部监督入手考虑设立独立的错案追究机关来进行解决是可行的,同时可从细化错案责任追究的相关程序、明晰实体责任性质的认定标准、建立健全办案质量终身责任追究制度和建立追责程序相关信息发布机制等方面来完善刑事错案追究制度。  相似文献   
Police witness intelligence stated a murdered adult male “Fred” had been vertically buried in wooded hilly terrain 30 years ago in the Midlands, U.K. Conventional search methods were unsuccessful; therefore, the police requested a geophysical investigation to be undertaken to determine whether “Fred” could be detected. A multiphased geophysical approach was conducted, using bulk ground conductivity and metal detectors, then follow‐up magnetics and ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey profiles on electromagnetic (EM) anomalous areas. A tight grid pattern was used to account for the reduced target size. Relatively high‐resolution EM and GPR techniques were determined optimal for this terrain and sandy soil. Geophysical anomalies were identified and the most promising intrusively investigated, and this was found to be a large boulder and tree roots. Study implications suggest careful multiphase geophysical surveys are best practice and give confidence in cold case searches. This study yielded a no‐body result, effectively saving police time and costs from further investigations.  相似文献   
跨公检法的“办案信息共享平台”建设从提出以来,不同模式先后在实际运行并各有利弊。从应然价值定位角度评析现有模式,并就平台建设主体、客体范围、运行规则方面展望其发展方向。在此背景下,刑事案件办理的关键节点均将嵌入平台,建议进行讯问同步录音像等制度“平台留痕化”相关改革,为侦查终结前讯问合法性核查等制度构建提供便利。侦查讯问行为将受到更严格的过程性监督与合法性考验,提出若干机制和具体措施应对公安侦查讯问新挑战。  相似文献   
因为生命教育的目标符合公安工作的理念,生命教育能推动公安院校大学生人生观、职业信仰和忠诚观的正确形成,能清晰公安院校大学生对未来社会角色的认定,是提升公安院校大学生人文素养的有效途径,所以在公安院校开展生命教育,必要又亟需。公安院校生命教育的核心价值就是使学生在认识和认同生命过程的基础上,领会生死、尊重人伦、弘扬人性、完善人格、反思人生、实现生命意义,践行社会主义核心价值观。  相似文献   
自2004年公安部开始开展"命案必破"专项行动以来,全国各级公安机关不断结合自身实际,创新侦查工作方法,完善侦破机制,效果明显.深入总结十年来命案侦办工作经验,从案件发生、侦查过程、作案人员以及发案地域等因素对当前命案基本情况进行实证分析,同时归纳总结近年来各地先进经验,对于有效预防以及快速侦办命案具有较强的现实意义,对于提高整体侦查效能也有所助益.  相似文献   
In forensic laboratories, increased extraction efficiency of trace evidence is paramount because analytical success is intrinsically dependent on the quantity of DNA recovered. Moreover, highly concentrated nucleic acids are vital for effective downstream analysis and high quality results. This study investigated the efficiency of extraction with the Qiagen® QIAamp® DNA Investigator kit, and explored improvements to the methodology that would maximise the recovery of low concentration forensic samples. Controlled amounts of starting cellular material were used to mimic trace (or low level) DNA deposits prior to DNA extraction with the Investigator kit. Addition of the provided carrier RNA along with conducting two successive elutions of 50 µL improved the net recovery of DNA to 95%. Concentration with centrifugal filters post-extraction were able to concentrate DNA but a large net loss was observed. For the concentration of historic, retrospectively extracted DNA, centrifugal methods are able to concentrate DNA extracts previously too dilute for analysis. These concentrated volumes, however are small, allowing for minimal downstream analysis attempts before the sample is exhausted.  相似文献   
With the increasing number of ethical violations reported across the public sector, the emphasis on ethics and values in governance is on the rise. Corruption is widely accepted as a form of unethical behaviour that can have detrimental effects on organisations as well as society at large. Research calls for empirical studies focusing on the contextual factors surrounding corruption. Based on the Contextually Based Human Resource Theory and using the case study method, this paper examines the role of context through a systematic analysis of corruption in a public sector organisation. We integrate corruption and human resource literature to understand employee behaviour, employee relations, HRM strategies, and organisational outcomes in the context of organisational corruption.  相似文献   
绑架犯罪是严重危害人身安全的暴力犯罪,历来是我国司法机关重点控制、打击的对象。进入新世纪后,在2002年到2003年前后,绑架案件的数量激增,造成了严重的社会影响。关于如何认识绑架案件、如何进行处置以及如何进行侦查等问题,学者们开展了大量研究工作。尤其在刑法修正案(七)对关于绑架犯罪部分进行修改后,又为绑架案件侦查带来了新的研究内容。  相似文献   
法官自由裁量权在两大法系中都是存在的,其在涉外民商事领域的功效尤为凸显。我国现行涉外民商事立法主动或被动地赋予了法官在涉外民商事审判中极大的自由裁量权。《中华人民共和国涉外民事关系法律适用法》的通过使得涉外民商事法律适用法迈进了一步,但是立法的局限性进步仅仅是在某种程度上使得自由裁量权由过去的空洞无序迈向有序。正值我国指导性案例成行之初,借助该契机,在建立我国涉外民商事审判领域指导性案例体系的同时,实现法官在该领域自由裁量权的突破,弥补和修正立法的不足,也为金融危机等情势提供应对路径。  相似文献   
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